Ricola Wrapped Drops, Lemon Mint

Ricola Wrapped Drops, Lemon Mint
Our Price $2.99

UPC: 3660207948

Peppermint. Sage. Linden flower. lemon balm. Hyssop. Mallow. Thyme. Since 1930 the Richterich family has made Ricola from naturally good Swiss Alpine herbs. Ricola is loved throughout the world for delicious taste and effective relief. Grown on high Alpine slopes where the air is pure and the soil rich, Ricola herbs are cultivated by our farming partners. Lemon Mint

In Each Drop Active Ingredients: Menthol (1.5 mg), Oral Anesthetic. Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid, Extracts of Lemon Balm and a Ricola Herb Mixture (Elder, Horehound, Hyssop, Lemon Balm, Linden Flowers, Mallow, Peppermint, Sage, Thyme, Wild Thyme), Natural Color (Beta-Carotene), Natural Flavor, Starch Syrup, Sugar.

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