Discount Drug Mart is pleased to have the opportunity to become part of your upcoming event/program. The following information explains our procedures and guidelines regarding donations and sponsorships. These procedures and guidelines are designed to assist you with your requests.
Policies and Procedures for Submitting Request
All donation or sponsorships must be submitted online. Written, fax and email requests are no longer accepted by Discount Drug Mart.
The online form must be filled out completely in order for your request to be considered.
Organizations are eligible to receive only one donation item per year from Discount Drug Mart.
Your donation or sponsorship request must be received at least four (4) weeks prior to the day of your event.
Your non-profit organization must have 501(C)(3) tax exempt status.
You must enter your organization’s valid Tax Exempt ID number on the online form in order for your request to be considered (If you are a business sponsoring a charitable event, please ask a member of the charity to complete the donation request form).
It is recommended that your event not to be centered on the anticipation of receiving a donation. Rather, a donation from Discount Drug Mart should be an added element to your event.
Due to the large volume of requests received on a monthly basis, there are no exception to the above guidelines. Please keep in mind that submitting an online request does not guarantee your organization will receive a donation or a response.
Have you read and understood the above donation guidelines?