Raid Fruit Fly Trap

Raid Fruit Fly Trap
Our Price $6.99

UPC: 7247798426

2 traps and 4 lure packets. 4 lures last up to 120 days (1 lure packet per use. Replace after 30 days). Just add water. stops fruit fleas form multiplying. 120 day supply. The Raid fruit fly trap protects fruit and reduces fruit flies. The Raid fruit fly trap captures the flies and keeps them out of sight. Once water is added, the trap is effective for up to 30 days the rap becomes full, whichever comes first. This product has not been registered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. PIC Corporation represents that the product qualifies for exemption from registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. For questions or comments call 1-800-799-7302.

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